Investigation and Analysis of Professional Training Needs in Specialties Represented by GSEVEE

The project involves conducting a study titled "Investigation and Analysis of Professional Training Needs in Specialties Represented by GSEVEE." The goal is to identify essential training topics for employees in the sectors of i) the silver economy, ii) cultural and artistic craftsmanship, and iii) digital transformation in the service sector, with an emphasis on very small and small businesses. The main objective of the study is to develop comprehensive proposals for training subjects and content, guided by a methodological approach to assessing training needs. This approach will include a literature review, desk research, articles, interviews, focus groups with key informants, and data analysis, all based on the identified needs and suggestions from the prospective recipients of knowledge and skills development actions.

The main tasks of the contractor include:

- Developing a methodological approach to assess training needs, leading to comprehensive proposals for specialized or upgraded knowledge and skills that individuals can acquire through participation in professional training programs, thus enhancing their employment prospects.
- Applying this needs-assessment methodology to specialties related to GSEVEE professions, especially those that engage or could engage in economic activities by producing goods or services in the areas of i) the silver economy, ii) cultural and artistic craftsmanship, and iii) digital transformation in the service sector, with a focus on very small and small businesses. This will ultimately lead to proposals for designing training programs.