MICROIDEA - MICROcredential Identifying, DEveloping, testing and Accessing inovative approaches

ACRONYM Ltd. participates as a partner at MICROIDEA project under EU initiative Erasmus+, having the role of the Technical consultant, while at the same time has a significant research role through its experience in labor market issues and VET.

A very experienced consortium consisting of twelve (12) partners from six (6) countries (GR, SP, PL, CY, BE, DE) with expertises in the fields of VET, IT and labor market, is elaborating an innovative approach to Micro Credentials.

MIICROIDEA is an under Erasmus+ project aiming to identify, develop, test, and assess an innovative approach for micro credentials implementation and recognition that has the potential of becoming mainstreamed, thus improving education and training systems. The project has the capacity to deploy its innovative outcomes on a European scale by being able to transfer them into different thematic or geographical contexts, across countries, policy sectors and target groups.