Provision of expert/consulting services for the Development of a Regional Action Plan to improve policy tools under the project "Action Plan for Social Entrepreneurship," which is part of the INTERREG V-A GREECE – BULGARIA 2014-2020 Program.

The project "Provision of expert/consulting services for the Development of a Regional Action Plan to improve policy tools under the project 'Action Plan for Social Entrepreneurship,' which is part of the INTERREG V-A GREECE – BULGARIA 2014-2020 Program," included all related obligations of the Contracting Authority in terms of management, operational-organizational expenses for organizing meetings, conferences, awareness events, printing, and working documents for the program, as specified in sections B and C of the approved project technical dossier.

More specifically, the main activities of the Contractor per period are summarized as follows:

- WORK PACKAGE 3: Creation of an Observatory for Social Economy and Entrepreneurship
- WORK PACKAGE 4: Establishment of Structures to support and strengthen the development of Social Enterprises