The project involved providing necessary technical and scientific support for documenting the 1st revision of the Operational Program "Public Sector Reform" (OP PSD) under Article 30 of EU Regulation 1303/2013 and the Circular for revising OPs of the NSRF 2014-2020 / Goal "Investments in growth and jobs" as part of its technical adjustment for 2017, as well as for adapting the OP implementation documents to the results of the revision.
Support for the OP PSD Managing Authority included:
a) Documenting the revision proposal, including a summary of proposed OP modifications, the expected impacts on specific objectives and indicators, and the financial tables.
b) Preparing a draft of the revised OP for submission to the Commission, including the updated strategies and policies of relevant policy bodies.
c) Preparing changes to financial data and corresponding adjustments to target values for output and outcome indicators, as well as the indicators of the Performance Framework—updating the Additional Performance Framework documentation and the Additional Indicator Documentation for the OP.
d) Assisting the OP PSD Managing Authority in drafting texts throughout the consultation process with relevant European Commission bodies until final acceptance of the revision.
e) Preparing and adapting OP implementation documents to reflect the changes resulting from the revision.