Technical Support Consultant for the Intermediate Body of the NSRF Executive Structure of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs for the implementation of its projects

  1. The project involved providing the necessary scientific and technical support to Sub-directorate III of the NSRF Executive Structure within the Ministry of Labour, Social Security, and Social Solidarity – Employment and Social Economy Sector, in carrying out its responsibilities as an Intermediate Body for employment, training, and social economy actions (including state aid actions).

    Support for Sub-directorate III (Intermediate Body) of the NSRF Executive Structure included, indicatively:

    - Drafting calls for proposals, implementation guides, etc., up to the final stage of project inclusion.
    - Monitoring actions and ensuring the correct implementation of co-financed projects under the Sub-directorate.
    - Supporting all administrative processes (submissions to the Integrated Information System and the State Aid Information System, payment processing, communication with entities and services, etc.) necessary for advancing the Service’s work.